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Published on April 28, 2024
Minneapolis Police Host Second Annual Chief's BBQ to Strengthen Community TiesSource: Facebook / Minneapolis Police Department

The Minneapolis Police Department is ready to fire up the grill for the second annual Chief's BBQ, hoping to cook up a stronger relationship between cops and the community it serves. After a sizzling start at the Sabathani Community Center in the 3rd Precinct, the MPD is planning a series of summer BBQs across all five precincts, bringing burgers, hot dogs, and a side of casual conversation to the table, the department announced on Facebook.

These grill-and-chill events mark a strategic move by the MPD, seeking to flip the script on community relations and write a new chapter post-2020. The first BBQ already saw local residents and officers alike sliding into the Sabathani Community Center with hopes high and guard down, eager to digest more than just the free food, the high spirits and smiles present throughout the venue were a welcome change of pace after years of heated tension – a respite that comes not a moment too soon.

While police-community relations have simmered down since their boiling point, events like the Chief’s BBQ are seen as key ingredients in the recipe for restoring trust. The informal setting allows for open dialogue and the sharing of concerns, stories, and yes, even the occasional joke. It's "Serve and Protect" meets "Season and Grill," as officers trade handcuffs and holsters for aprons and tongs, at least for a day's shift.

Yet critics argue that while these initiatives are well-intentioned, they are mere appetizers when the public hunger for main-course reform and accountability, nonetheless, those at the grill say it's a step towards simmering down barriers and fostering a sense of communal solidarity, the calendar of upcoming Chief's BBQ events will be posted on the Minneapolis Police Department's Facebook page, as they hope the mix of sunny skies and savory bites can marinate into a lasting bond with the folk they've sworn to protect.

The MPD has not disclosed the dates for the remaining BBQs, but interested citizens and BBQ aficionados alike are encouraged to stay tuned to the department’s social media feed for announcements. With a plate in one hand and the potential for a handshake in the other, Minneapolis residents can look forward to more opportunities to engage with their local precincts – one mouthwatering meal at a time.