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Published on May 07, 2024
Atlanta's Sen. Sonya Halpern Honored as '2024 Legislator of the Year' by JAMES MagazineSource: Facebook/State Senator Sonya Halpern

Georgia's own Sen. Sonya Halpern has snagged the coveted '2024 Legislator of the Year' award from JAMES Magazine, landing a shining spotlight in their latest edition tagged as "The Most Influential Issue." The Democratic stalwart and Vice Chair of the Senate Democratic Caucus, representing Atlanta, didn't miss a beat to share her pride on the recognition that singles out three state lawmakers each year for their exceptional guidance and policy prowess.

According to a statement obtained by Senate Press, Halpern acknowledged the honor, detailing her efforts to progressively push for pivotal changes. "I am deeply grateful for the distinction of being named one of the top three State Lawmakers of 2024 in Georgia by JAMES Magazine," she said. Her relentless advocacy for accessible healthcare, robust public education funding, criminal justice reform, and sustainable economic growth has to surely be far from unnoticed.

JAMES Magazine's choice was no random throw of the dice—Sen. Halpern's commitment to her constituents in the 39th Senate District has been a consistent trademark of her tenure. With the Legislature's wheels perpetually in motion, Halpern’s award punctuates the year with an assertive underline, reminding us of the ceaseless labor invested behind the gavel and in committee rooms by some of the state's leading policymakers.

The reception, set to unfold on Thursday, May 9, is bound to be a swanky affair, where Sen. Halpern will formally receive her accolades amidst fellow honorees. To rightfully consistently celebrate their year's work is an important tradition for JAMES Magazine, ensuring that those who shape Georgia's laws are not just heard but duly recognized. As the award spotlight beams down on her, Halpern's resolve appears to only strengthen under the glow, "This award is a personal honor and I remain steadfast in my commitment to represent the interests of the 39th Senate District and all Georgians with integrity and dedication," as per the Senate Press.