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Published on May 08, 2024
Austin Students Celebrate National Bike and Roll to School Day with Enthusiastic Pedal ParadeSource: Unsplash / Daniel Way

Austin kiddos took their pedal power to the streets this week, as both Austin Independent School District and Georgetown ISD pumped up their bike tires for National Bike and Roll to School Day.

The initiative, which puts rubber to the road in the name of health and community spirit, saw students swap school buses for bikes, according to a report by CBS Austin. The goal of the pedal-pushing event is to get kids and teens more active, and, it also brings together students, parents, and teachers in an energizing morning commute.

Riding into Bike Month, the City of Austin's Safe Routes to School program led the charge by teaching year-long lessons on safe cycling and pedestrian principles. "We’re encouraging kids all over Austin to walk or bike to school today," Rhonda Bolick, with the City of Austin’s Safe Routes to School program, told CBS Austin. She emphasized safety as a priority, noting recent infrastructure improvements including a protected crosswalk on West Gate Boulevard near Cowan Elementary School.

The health benefits for students are clear, but the program also serves to declutter roads around schools during the mad morning rush. "It makes it safer for everyone who is walking and biking. We want kids to follow the rules, though, so they can be safe," Bolick said. Participants at Silk Oak Neighborhood Park enjoyed not just a bustle of activity but also some freebies to keep them visible on their journey – bike lights, and reflective slap bracelets were handed out, all part of the effort to ensure they stay safe on the roads.

It's not just Austin that's gearing up, either. With cities across the nation taking a page from Austin's book, the streets are set to see a spike in two-wheel traffic. Perhaps it's the start of a new journey – turning the daily school run into a parade of pedals and possibility.