San Diego/ Crime & Emergencies
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Published on April 28, 2024
Early Morning Collision in San Ysidro Leaves Passenger Paralyzed, Driver Asleep at WheelSource: Google Street View

A somber day in San Ysidro as a crash on Howard Avenue resulted in serious injuries, authorities said. The incident occurred early yesterday morning and involved two vehicles, one of which was driven by a 22-year-old male who fell asleep at the wheel, per the 10News report.

The San Diego Police Department reported that the young man was traveling northbound when he collided with a 49-year-old male driving a Toyota 4Runner. The impact was severe enough to cause the 4Runner's seats to collapse backward, leaving a passenger with no sensation below the waist. This passenger was later transported to a hospital and found to have suffered a fractured thoracic vertebrae, as detailed on the city's official website.

DUI has been ruled out as a factor in this distressing incident. The SDPD Traffic Division has taken the reins of the investigation, seeking to understand the precise circumstances leading up to the collision. Meanwhile, the community is left to ponder the fragility of life and the split-second changes that can arise from a moment of drowsiness behind the wheel.

Law enforcement actively seeks information from anyone who might shed further light on this serious event. Concerned citizens with knowledge pertaining to the case are encouraged to contact Crime Stoppers at 888-580-8477. In moments like these, community cooperation is not just beneficial but vital in piecing together the events that led to tragedy.