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Published on April 28, 2024
TPWD Confirms Presence of Six Juvenile Alligators in Brazos River near WacoSource: Unsplash/ Matthew Essman

Waco residents and visitors to the Brazos River might want to be on the lookout for the local wildlife, as six juvenile alligators have been confirmed to be living in the waters there. The Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (TPWD) made the announcement after monitoring the area over the past year. These gators, which measure between one and four feet long, seem to be growing up in Central Texas, according to KENS 5.

The presence of alligators isn't unexpected in this region, with the Brazos River marking the western edge of their habitat in Texas. The river, a considerable stretch through Texas from the Panhandle to the Gulf of Mexico, has had a history of alligator sightings. Social media has amped up awareness with a video showing "a juvenile alligator illegally caught in a cast net" causing public alarm. Responding to the community's increased awareness, TPWD emphasized in a statement the lack of threat these animals pose to the humans. "For these subadult sizes, there is no threat to public safety," LMTonline reported.

The government department has stressed the ecological importance of alligators in Texas's aquatic systems and has reminded the public that these creatures generally keep their distance from human activity. While the juvenile gators in Waco are at risk from natural predators, human interference can also be a threat. As part of its mission to safeguard native species, TPWD has called on people to refrain from feeding these wild animals to help maintain a proper ecological balance.

With summer approaching and outdoor activities ramping up, TPWD is advising Brazos River goers to be cognizant of their surroundings and report any concerning encounters. Education forms part of their strategy, with more information about alligators available on TPWD's website, which include tips on coexisting with these interesting yet potentially dangerous neighbors.